Tuesday, January 28, 2020
An Investigation Into the Differences Between Retail and Investment Banks Essay Example for Free
An Investigation Into the Differences Between Retail and Investment Banks Essay Over the past decades, retail banks have remained the main commercial bank for consumers, rather than corporations or other banks. The investment bank has become more popular amongst individuals, corporations and governments which are interested in raising their profits. Retail banks and investment banks have different organizational structures and activities. So they have many differences, such as services, customers and profits. And this report aims to distinguish between the retail bank and the investment bank in order to identify their specific service areas. Firstly, the author will review some literature focusing on the definitions. Secondly, the author will illustrate the differences between them from their target activities and functions. Retail banks offer a range of services to individual customers and small businesses, rather than to large companies and other banks. These include: savings and transactional accounts, mortgages, personal loans, debit cards and credit cards. An investment bank is a bank which specializes in providing funds to corporate borrowers for startup or expansion and does not accept deposits but provides services to those who offer securities to investors, and to those investors themselves. It may also assist and support companies which are involved in mergers and acquisitions, and provides ancillary services such as market making, trading of derivatives, fixed income instruments, foreign exchange, commodities, and equity securities. From the definitions above, it clearly shows that the two types of bank provide substantially different services to customers. As a normal customer, I think the retail banks are better than the investment banks. And there are three advantages of the retail banks. Firstly, the retail banks have more branches than the investment banks. For example, Lloyds TSB Bank is a retail bank in the United Kingdom, and according to Lloyds TSB website, the bank has nearly 1,900 branches across the UK. This means that you can find the branches of TSB almost everywhere. So you can deal with some normal business easily, the branches of retail banks can be found almost everywhere. For example, you want to make emergency loans, you do not have enough time to find an investment bank to make loans, so you must choose the retail banks. Moreover, the retail banks can supply some services which the investment banks do not provide. When you want to transfer from one account to another account, you can not go to the investment banks, because the investment banks do not offer this kind of service. Therefore, if you want to deal with some normal business (such as savings, mortgages and credit cards) at a bank, it would be better to choose the retail banks. The Royal Bank of Scotland is one of the retail banking is part of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group, and together with NatWest and Ulster Bank, provides branch banking facilities throughout the UK. And it can provide almost every service that the retail banks have. So it has a good reputation in Scotland. Finally, the risk of retail banks is relatively lower than the investment banks. You can get money from the rate of interest which can be higher than the other banks. Such as Barclays Corporate which belongs to the Barclays Group and provide these kinds of services (such as savings, transactional accounts, mortgages, debit cards, credit cards). It offers a service called monthly savings which is its regular savings plan that allows you to save regularly over 12 months, and you can get higher interest rates are paid where no withdrawals have been made in the previous month. This means that you can get high fixed interest of up to 3. 25% AER / 3. 20% in months when no withdrawals are made. And the revenue of the retail banks is stability and fixed. So you do not need to pay more attention to the asset in the retail banks. These advantages of the retail banks are the reasons why the retail banks are better as a normal customer. As an advanced person or a company, I think the investment banks are better. There are also many advantages of the investment banks which usually provide services for the company. First of all, most of the investment banks are global company and it can provide services more widely than the retail banks. Such as Morgan Stanley is a leading global financial services firm providing a wide range of investment banking, securities, investment management and wealth management It reports US$779 billion as assets under its management. Its headquarter located in Midtown Manhattan , New York City. It has companies in 37 countries with over 1,200 offices, employees dedicated to local businesses, government agencies, institutions and individuals. So the investment banks can provide the services (such as trading of derivatives, fixed income instruments, foreign exchange and commodities) all over the world. Secondly, the revenue of the investment banks significantly more than profit of other types of banks. If you save your extra money in the retail banks, you can only get the interest from the rates. But if you sand your money to the investment banks you can get remarkable returns although it has a high risk. For example the Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is an American investment bank and securities. And it provides mergers and acquisitions advice, underwriting services, asset management, and prime brokerage to its clients, which include corporations, governments and individuals. Amazingly, the company in US profits reached a record $ 13. 39 billion in 2010, on average common shareholders equity rate of return is 22. 5%. At last, the investment banks also can provide some special services that the retail banks do not offer. For instance, it can supply a particularly serving called â€Å"financial advice†what can make financial of a company more reasonability and determine the future line of development. UBS AG is a diversified global financial services company, with its main headquarters in Basel and Zurich, Switzerland and UBS is present in all major financial centers worldwide. With Premier Advisory Services, UBS offers you the opportunity to schedule individual one-on-one consultations with CEFS experts who understand your equity-linked compensation as an integrative part of your total wealth management, know about the different plan vehicles and can support you on issues such as How can I best align my equity-linked compensation with my total wealth management or When should I exercise, which strategy is the best.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Can The United States Justify The Civil War :: essays research papers
Can the United States Justify the Civil War The definition of Manifest Destiny reads as: "The belief in the 1840's in the inevitable territorial expansion of the United States, especially as advocated by southern slaveholders who wished to extend slavery into new territories." This explanation was transcribed from the World Book Encyclopedia's dictionary. It is directly evident that from this unbiased statement we can trace the first uprising of a separate group of people yearning to break the newly formed bond of the great United States. Before and during the Mexican War, the people who were pushing for the claimed land once owned by innocent native americans, were always looking for a scapegoat. They needed one way or another, a way to squirm out of taking the blame for the enslaved and murdered Mexican causalities. There was one man, though, who would not let this happen, David Wilmot. David Wilmot was a democrat from Pennsylvania, who was willing to revise the President's bill. In this revision, Wilmot proposed "...neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any part of the territory...". This was not well liked by the South and eventhough it was given thumbs up many times in the senate, our newly formed country was now bordered by fresh land. The Wilmot Proviso underwent quite a bit of pressure so that compromises could satisfy each side. The Compromise of 1850 was soon to follow but the real catch of the same year was the Fugitive Slave Act. This act was invented so that the slaves of slaveowners, who took them to a slave-free state on a vacation or something, could not escape. In this act, the hardest part to understand, was that the courts were to try to give a fair trial to any runaway slaves. This enfuriated many of the Northern abolitionists who now were going to expand the tracks of the underground railroad to help extend their efforts in the rescue of the runaways. The point of no return, where many people knew for sure that the country would be devided between the north and the south was the ruling on the Kansas Nebraska Act. This act was majorly contributed into by Stephen A. Douglas and probably would never have passed without his consent. The whole idea behind the act that really got to the south was Popular Sovereignty. This so called "specific" rule was none to specific in stating when a territory could decide when they were pro or anti slavverry. The abolitionists were flooding the new territory with their own kind where as the southerners were just moving
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Banyan Tree
Competitive strategy From the outset, the objective of Banyan Tree brand-building was to create a sustainable platform upon which to grow – even if cheaper competitors and similar concepts stepped into their space. However, after owner, Ho Kwon Ping did his survey on corporate landscape before the success of Banyan Tree, harsh conclusion that his businesses were not sustainable. Banyan Tree needed a proprietary advantage to counter cost pressures. It could be a patented invention, but they were not technologically inclined.So the alternative Banyan Tree came up with, was to build a consumer brand which had to be not only sustainable, not only in Asia, but in a globalised marketplace. If Banyan Tree is to survive in a global marketplace – and hospitality is perhaps one of the most global, because high-end tourists can easily choose between say, Portugal or Phuket, Greenland or Greece – they must be able to be among the best of breed, not only in their own backyard but in whatever markets their customers will go to.Their strategy was the only way they could be a price-maker and not a price-taker. Any enterprise, even with innovations, can only set its own price until cheaper competitors emerge. In Banyan Tree’s case, innovative features – such as pool villas and tropical spa pavilions – are no longer a monopoly for them. If imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, they can take solace in being flattered.But, with competitors emerging, the only way they can remain above price wars is to leverage the brand to generate a price premium and customer loyalty. Branding makes a tremendous difference in creating competitive advantage. Much of their decision-making regarding a new venture is determined by its impact on their branding. This imperative for survival, rather than vision for success, is the fundamental driving force behind Banyan Tree, against their competitors.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Film Analysis American Honey By Andrea Arnold - 914 Words
One of the first things I learned in cinema class was that the size of the screen can play a huge role in the way the viewer experiences a film. American Honey by Andrea Arnold felt like one of those movies that was tailor made to be experienced to its full potential on the big screen. If I saw this movie at home on a smaller screen, there would be so many things that I would not be able to experience because of the limitation on-screen size. Andrea Arnold uses the technique of viewing cinema as a window to give a better experience and outlook for the audience. Using cinema as a window gives the viewers a special ocular access to whatever is going on throughout the film (Elsasser 14). This is usually a rectangular view which helps the†¦show more content†¦Also, the moving camera constantly shifts and changes relationships helping me engage in the film and think about what was going on. Furthermore, Arnold uses cinema as a window and creates an open film. It seemed like at any part of the movie you could turn the camera off, but the events that were going on would still occur and everything would still be the same in the diegetic world. This tells us Arnold created the diegetic world to be its own separate world where everything occurs according to the characters, it extends far beyond the limit of the image (Elsasser 18), it is not a world that is meant to be created just for the purpose of the movie. This is mos t evident in the last scene of the film where Star is in the lake and she jumps the screen goes still and the credits roll in. While I was watching the movie and this sequence occurred, I was expecting more to happen, but then Star’s image froze and then the credits came and I was shocked for a bit, but realizing how Arnold set up this film and the techniques that she used it was not really a surprise. The sequence that occurred reminded of the ending scene in Mediterranea, it was the scene where Arnold tells the audience their role in the film is over and cuts off their access from the diegetic world. The stable camera signalled the ending for the viewer. Even though the movie has ended it is made clear that the events going on in theShow MoreRelatedFilm Analysis : American Honey By Andrea Arnold894 Words  | 4 Pageswas that the size of the screen can play a huge role in the way the viewer experiences a film. American Honey by Andrea Arnold felt like one of those movies that was tailormade to be experienced to its full potential on the big screen. If I saw this movie at home on a smaller screen, there would be so many things that I would not be able to experience because of the limitation in screen size. Andrea Arnold uses the technique of viewing cinema as a window in order to provide a better experienceRead MoreSolution Manual, Test Bank and Instructor Manuals34836 Words  | 140 PagesMethod, 5th Edition_Daryl L. Logan (SM) A First Course in the Finite Element Method, SI Version, 5th Edition_ Daryl L. Logan (SM) A Framework for Marketing Management, 4E_Philip R Kotler,Kevin Lane Keller (TB) A Friendly Introduction to Numerical Analysis,Brian Bradie (ISM) A Guide to International Financial Reporting Standards, 3rd Edition_Belverd E. Needles, Marian Powers (SM+TB) A Guide to Modern Econometrics, 4th Edition_Marno Verbeek (SM) A History of Modern Psychology, 10th Edition _ DuaneRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pagesthe issue is whether Americans prefer southern European food to northern European food, then the topic might be American taste preferences. weigh the pros and cons In deciding on taking an action, you weigh the pros and cons by looking at alternative actions that can be taken, then considering the probable good consequences of each action and the probable bad consequences while weighing the positive and negative impact of each consequence. It’s a kind of cost-benefit analysis. Exercises 1.Read MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesSenior Marketing Manager: Nikki Ayana Jones Senior Managing Editor: Judy Leale Production Project Manager: Becca Groves Senior Operations Supervisor: Arnold Vila Operations Specialist: Cathleen Petersen Senior Art Director: Janet Slowik Art Director: Kenny Beck Text and Cover Designer: Wanda Espana OB Poll Graphics: Electra Graphics Cover Art: honey comb and a bee working / Shutterstock / LilKar Sr. Media Project Manager, Editorial: Denise Vaughn Media Project Manager, Production: Lisa Rinaldi Full-Service
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